The performance of this investment product is related to the movements of the benchmark interest rate and the interest rate of the Indonesian government bond, allowing attractive potential returns for the Customer.
PT Bank DBS Indonesia
Fixed Rate Step Up, as one variant, generates return at a stabilized interest rate which increases year after year. However, the Bank has the right to divert the payment level into a floating interest rate.
Coupons are periodically paid on specific dates.
Placement tenor is 1 to 5 years.
Available in USD currency.
The investment principal will be 100% protected if the investment is held until maturity.
The Customer has the potential to get coupons with higher rates than the regular bond products.
The Customer has the potential to keep getting fixed high coupons in a downtrend interest rate environment.
BLI is a form of Structured Product that carries risks not normally associated with ordinary bank deposits. The Customer should therefore not treat BLI as a substitute for ordinary savings or time deposits.
BLI is meant to be held to maturity. There might be loss occurs when Customer redeem the investment before maturity date (depends on valuation from bank on early redemption date), and the Bank shall be entitled to deduct any losses that might be incurred from the redemption, as BLI is not a negotiable or transferable instrument.
The Bank has the right to change the interest rate before maturity, in which case the coupons for the Customer will be at the floating interest rates, which may be lower or higher than the interest rates of time deposit in general.
Some requirements to be fulfilled by Customer to subscribe BLI:
Having accounts in PT Bank DBS Indonesia.
Customer must complete risk profile and ensure risk profile suitability with the product.
Transaction fees include Stamp Duty in accordance with the prevailing regulations.
No switching events has occurred, and no bonds termination events has occurred in relation with the Reference Entity on or before the maturity date.
Assuming that the coupon payment of the benchmark bonds has been carried out accordingly as scheduled by the Reference Entity throughout the BLI tenor:
Customer will receive payment amount on payment date according to formula: Principal amount x interest rate x day calculation fraction.
Customer will receive 100% of principal amount on maturity date.
Switching event occurs
Bond termination event occurs
With assumption:
Coupon payments for the benchmark bond has been carried out accordingly as scheduled by the Referring Entity until the notification date of the bond termination event
Switching event occurs at the most immediate date, for example, on 5th coupon payment date
Bond termination event occurs, for example, failure to pay occurs after the switching event date with respect to the Reference Entity during the 1st quarter of year 2.
Customer will receive payment amount on payment date according to formula: Principal amount x interest rate x day calculation fraction
The interest rate payment will be switched to floating interest rate, which will take in effect since and including the switching date
The last payment date will be the immediate payment date prior to bond termination event notification date
Customer will receive the payment amount of the bond termination event on the bond termination event settlement date. There is possibility the Customer may lose the entire initial investment amount in bond termination event.
Bond termination event in relation to the Reference Entity occurs on value date
With assumption:
Bond termination event, for example, failure to pay occurs with respect to the Reference Entity on value date
Bank will provide notification of bond termination event to Customer and Customer will not receive any payment
Customer will receive the payment amount of the bond termination event on the bond termination event settlement date. There is possibility the Customer may lose the entire initial investment amount in bond termination event.
Dates, rates mentioned and all calculation above are for illustration only. Those information and numbers are not the representative of the actual performance or future performance of this product.
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