Open your digibank by DBS application and select “Ya, sudah punya”
Click “registrasi”
Enter your digibank Credit Card number and then click “Lanjut”
Enter the 3-digit CVV number on the back of your Credit Card.
Enter your birth date
Enter the OTP code that sent to your registered phone number, and then click “Lanjut”
Enter your current email address or you can change your email address with the newest.
Create username & password
Read the terms and conditions, and then click “Setuju”
Your Credit Card has been successfully registered on digibank by DBS application
Open your digibank by DBS application and select “Lupa Username atau Password”
Enter your contact details, such as phone number and registered email address
Enter the 4-digit OTP code that sent to your registered phone number and 4-digit OTP that sent to your registered email address. After that, click “Lanjut”.
Your current username will be shown on “username” and you can use it to re-log in to your digibank by DBS application
Open your digibank by DBS application and select “Lupa Username atau Password”
Enter your contact details, such as phone number and registered email address
Enter your digibank Credit Card number and then click “Lanjut”
Enter your mother’s maiden name and then click “Lanjut”
Enter the 3-digit CVV number on the back of your Credit Card.
Enter the OTP code that sent to your registered phone number, and then click “Lanjut”
Enter your new password and re-enter your password as a confirmation
Yay! Your new password has been changed and you can log in using your new password
Phone - 0804 1500 327 or +6221 29852888 (from outside Indonesia)
Business Hour at 09.00 AM - 17.00 PM