Enter username and password on digibank app
Click icon ‘digibot’ on top right corner
To block and replace card, type “Blokir kartu kredit”. Then, type the card category “Kartu Kredit” and choose card that you want to blocked
After choosed the card, type reason why you need to block and replace the card “Hilang/Dicuri/Kartu Tertelan di Mesin ATM”. Read Statement about Block Card carefully. Click “di sini” for T&C. Then, choose “Setuju”
Yey! Your card already blocked. After that, read Statement about Replace Card. Choose “Ya” if you agree to replace your card
After choosed “Ya”, card will be delivered to your valid address in 14 Days. If no other card that you need to blocked, choose “Tidak” to end conversation
Phone - 0804 1500 327 or +6221 29852888 (from outside Indonesia)
Business Hour at 09.00 AM - 17.00 PM