24 May 2022

Prepare Wedding Funds through Investment

Are you preparing the wedding funds so you can have the party of your dreams? Have you tried investing in Fixed Income Mutual Funds to raise wedding funds to be more consistent and secure?

Investment is the right step that is useful for preparing financial needs in the future. Especially amid the financial market uncertainty and fulfil future needs.

One of the examples is wedding plan. The fact that the cost of getting married is becoming increasingly expensive, requiring many couples to save up for their dream wedding.

Every couple wants the perfect wedding. There are many ways that you can try to make this dream come true, starting from saving conventionally or placing funds in investment instruments.

Next, figure out what costs you might need and what the range is. This way, you can estimate the funds you have to prepare for a wedding.

Tips for Preparing Wedding Funds

Preparing a set amount of wedding funds is not an easy thing. For those of you who are currently preparing wedding funds, some of these tips can be applied.

  1. Make a Detailed Wedding Budget

    The first tip that you should keep in mind when compiling a detailed wedding budget is to make a list of necessities. Unexpected costs will often appear. As a result, the budget will also continue to grow as details and plans are made.

    By making this plan, hopefully you will have an estimate of how much it will cost. You can also provide an estimate of additional costs that may arise. By having detailed costs, it will be easier for you to set the funds to be collected.

  2. Determine the Period to Collect Funds


    After creating a budget, then you need to determine the period for raising the funds. It is important for you to estimate the time when you aim to get married.

    For example, it is planned within the next 2 years. Therefore, you must be able to raise targeted funds in less than the planned timeframe.

    It would be better if you target a time of approximately 1.5 years. The reason is, preparing funds in advance will allow a peace of mind. Especially when you have to start paying Down Payment or various needs related to wedding preparations.

    Don't rush into making preparations before the wedding day when the funds collected are insufficient, to the point that you need to apply for loans.

  3. Start Saving


    Since early, we have often been taught to save money. Regardless of whatever your wedding concept is, it remains clear that you have to plan wedding funds as well as possible.

    One of them is by saving, so that funds can be collected more quickly. In addition, the earlier you start saving, the better for your financial needs later. In saving, make sure to always be consistent and don't just get excited at the beginning.

    Do not mix marriage savings with various other needs. One more thing that is no less important, is don't forget to save in the bank instead of saving it at home.

  4. Invest Consistently

    As in the previous point, saving is very necessary to save and collect funds that have been planned. However, in saving, you should avoid using conventional methods that risk depreciating in value in the face of inflation.

    Preparation for wedding expenses today can be done by investing. Investment is an activity carried out by placing capital in the form of money or valuable assets in an institution or certain party.

    The goal is to get a profit on your investment. One type of investment that you can choose to prepare for wedding expenses is Mutual Funds.

    What are Mutual Funds? Mutual Funds are an instrument for managing funds or capital owned by investors. These funds will later be managed by the Investment Manager to be invested in an investment portfolio.

    It is important to pay attention to choosing the type of investment, product or instrument that is suitable for your needs. See if your choice has been registered and has guaranteed protection from the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

    This allows investors to safely invest funds as stated in the Mutual Fund prospectus.

    Suppose you allocate 10% of your monthly income to invest in Mutual Funds. Make this investment until you can get the targeted funds for the costs of the planned wedding.

  5. Selecting the Right Mutual Funds


    The next tip is to choose the right type of Mutual Funds according to your financial needs. For example, if you have a target of getting married within the next 2 years. Meanwhile, the maximum wedding budget is IDR 100 million.

    So the right investment choice for that period of time, you can choose to invest in Fixed Income Mutual Funds instruments. This type of Mutual Funds is suitable for investing in a period of 1-3 years.

    In Fixed Income Mutual Funds, most of the capital will be allocated to debt securities that provide fixed income.

    For example, debt securities or bonds that have maturities of more than 1 year. Be it debt securities issued by corporations or the government.

    As for why it is called fixed income, this is because the debt securities or bonds can provide definite and regular coupons. For example each month or every 3 months.

    Thus, choosing to invest in Fixed Income Mutual Funds is arguably suitable for preparing wedding expenses. You can raise the funds while also benefiting from investing.

Why Set Up Wedding Funds through Fixed Income Mutual Funds

When considering Mutual Funds, then you must also consider which type of Mutual Funds are suitable. So that later it will be easier to achieve financial goals.

One of the Mutual Funds investments that are suitable for preparing wedding finds is the Fixed Income Mutual Funds instrument. Fixed Income Mutual Funds are Mutual Funds instrument in which approximately 80% of the fund allocation is placed in debt instruments or bonds.

The choice of this instrument is suitable for investors who want to invest in the medium term of about 1-3 years. So for those who are planning a wedding, you still have enough time to raise the funds.

The advantage of choosing to invest in these instruments is the potential return of up to 7-8% per year. There is even a return that reaches 9%.

In addition, this instrument also offers advantages such as flexible capital investment, suitable for those of you who are looking for financial security. With this investment option, you can raise wedding expenses according to the target.

Prepare Wedding Funds with DBS Treasures

Now that you know what Mutual Funds are, have you invested in this instrument for your planned wedding funds? Investing is indeed the best choice if you trust the right investment partner.

DBS Treasures is a priority banking service from Bank DBS Indonesia that can be your investment partner. Gain investment advisory for Fixed Income Mutual Funds based on trend and momentum analysis, to the Mutual Funds products that fit your risk profile. There are various advantages of placing funds in the Mutual Funds investment options at DBS Treasures, including the following.

  1. Investment Managed by Professionals

    All available investment options are managed professionally by the Investment Managers in partnership with DBS Treasures. So that every customer will gain optimal product performance.

  1. Investment Guidance

    Gain insights to guide you so you can confidently invest in the right Mutual Funds. With DBS Treasures, investment activities will be supported by financial experts who are 

    proactive in communicating the market analysis and also the latest opportunities that has been suited to your preferences and goals.

  2. Lower Risk Through Diversification


    You can diversify or spread your funds to Fixed Income Mutual Funds investment assets. This diversification can reduce investment risk.

The conveniences of making transactions through digibank by DBS Application is one of the advantages that you can enjoy. Starting from SID registration, buying, selling, to switching Mutual Fund products, you can do it all through a single application.

Answering the needs of customers, will always be a priority. DBS Treasures always analyses and presents solutions to fulfil customers' financial aspirations. Prepare your savings fund by investing in Fixed Income Mutual Funds at DBS Treasures

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