In this world, there are many things that beyond your control. Instead of thinking about those things and tire yourself out, it's better to focus on things that can be controlled. This is stoicism, a currently trending mindset.
You can shift your focus to other things that you can control, such as your own financial condition. There are many ways you can do this, one of them is by investing. Bond type investment instruments are now in great demand because of their attractive returns.
An Overview of Stoicism
Stoicism is a philosophical teaching that helps a person to be more able to control their emotions, especially negative things, so that they’re able to accept the conditions that are happening.
The teachings originated in ancient Greece and appeared around 301 BC. Despite its ancient teachings, stoicism has been widely applied in the present century as a psychotherapy. Stoicism is considered effective for reducing feelings of anxiety, depressive disorders, and other mental problems.
The essence of the stoicism teachings is to emphasize that in this life there are things that can be controlled and there are others that can’t. This teaches a person that it is better to focus more on things that can be controlled, not the other way around.
That way, feelings such as overthinking can be reduced and make life more peaceful. Especially amid the fast-paced changing times with many new things that are constantly developing, so that sometimes it makes a person feel left behind.
Through stoicism, you will be trained to think that sometimes you need to take a short break from the existing routine and focus more on yourself. Also, there is no need to feel anxious or worried for fear of being left behind with something that is trending.
The 5 Principles of Stoicism
Stoicism is also commonly called stoic. In its application, stoic teaches several important principles in life as follows.
- Not Everything Can Be Controlled
As previously explained, you should note that no human can control everything. Realize that in the world there are many events or events that often occur beyond our will.
Therefore, try to be wise and accept what happened if it was not what you expect. At first it would be difficult, but you can get used to it if you slowly apply it often.
Things that can be controlled by oneself, namely thoughts and emotions or something that can be controlled from within. Meanwhile, things that cannot be controlled come from external sources or other people, such as opinions, criticism, someone's remarks, and others.
- Not Relying on Others
One thing that makes someone easily disappointed is when what you want doesn't happen as you wish. That's because someone so expects other people to make it happen.
In reality, sometimes it's hard to rely on others so it's better not to expect anything from them. Plus, there's nothing wrong with making it happen yourself rather than waiting for someone else to do it.
- Understanding Nothing is Lasting in Life
Stoicism trains a person to be aware that everything that happens, both happiness and suffering, is only temporary. For that, try to understand every event that occurs because nothing lasts forever.
- Creating Healthy Emotional Distance
Creating emotional distance will help you to be more accepting of each event that happens. This emotional distance isn't something that makes you cold or indifferent, but rather doesn't care about things that aren't a priority.
- Appreciating What There Is
Even though it seems trivial, in reality it is not easy for someone to accept, including appreciating what is. Actually it helps you to be more grateful for something you currently have, so you appreciate the situation more.
3 Things You Can Control in Life
When implementing stoic teachings, it can be difficult for a person to distinguish between what can be controlled and what cannot be controlled. To know more, read through the following information.
- Realize the Present
When you have a dark past, usually it can grow into wounds or hold you back when facing the present. However, you need to understand that the past cannot be changed and regretting it is not a solution either.
Instead of being sad about the past or worrying about the future, it's better to be aware of the present. In this way, you can focus more on what is happening now because the benefits will also be felt in the future.
- Your Own Attitude and Way of Thinking
Getting bad treatment from other people is not pleasant and this is beyond your control. So, just ignore it and focus on the things you can control, such as attitudes, ways of thinking, and emotions within yourself.
- Manage Your Own Needs and Things You Have
In life, of course there are a lot of things that can be controlled by yourself. Starting from lifestyle, appearance, to financial conditions. Especially financially, you will feel at peace when the conditions are stable, and your various needs can be met.
You can also make it happen through investment as a preparation for the future, which can be started now. You can try investing in several types of Bonds that are safe and have the potential to become your passive income.
Financial Control Through Bond Type Investment
Rather to thinking about other people's opinions that you can't control, it's wiser to focus on things like growing your assets through investing in Bonds. The definition of a Bond itself is a debt instrument issued by an issuer, namely the government or a company.
If you choose to become a DBS Treasures priority banking Client, controlling your financial growth by investing in several types of Bonds will be easier with the following benefits.
- Offer regular coupons
- More profit with potential capital gains
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- No additional costs
- 24-hour practical investment simply through the digibank by DBS Application
In this investment, choose a Bond issuer that is safe and guaranteed by law, such as Government Bonds, which can be purchased through DBS Treasures. Combined with a number of these benefits, naturally DBS Treasures is the right choice to invest in Bonds confidently.
Focus your life by growing your funds to prepare for the future. Choose the right type of Bond to suit your needs and trust DBS Treasures. If you are interested in starting an investment, find complete information here.