Enjoy monthly income starting 3 years after premium paid fully.
Change the Insured up to 3 times.
Income consists of guaranteed income and additional income (if any).
Product Feature:
Product Benefit:
*The terms and conditions that apply to this product can be seen in the Product and Service Information Summary here
All fees charged to customers will refer to the provisions of the Policy including but not limited to commission fees for the Bank.
Credit and Liquidity Risk
Policyholders will be exposed to credit and liquidity risk of PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Indonesia (“Manulife Indonesia”) as the risk selector of insurance products. Credit and liquidity risk relates to the ability of Manulife Indonesia to pay its obligations to its customers, as well as the risk of default from the issuer of investment instruments.
Risk of Early Termination of Policy
Early termination of the Policy may result the Policy Cash Value being less than the Coverage Benefits that will be paid (if any) or the premiums that has been paid and the coverage will end.
Operational Risk
A risk caused by the failure of internal processes, people and systems, as well as by external events.
Foreign Exchange Rate Risk
Insurance Policies in foreign currency will be exposed to Exchange Rate Risk if the Policyholder/Designated decides to convert the insurance benefits into local currency where the value depends on the foreign exchange rate at that time.
Investment Risk
The investment returns obtained by participating funds may be lower than expected.
Insurance Risk
Death claims may be higher than expected.
Manulife Multigenerational Income Assurance (Manulife Ultima) is an insurance product issued by Manulife Indonesia (licensed and supervised by OJK). This product is not a deposit product at PT Bank DBS Indonesia (the “Bank”) and therefore does not contain any obligations and is not guaranteed by the Bank and is not included in the government guarantee program implemented by the Deposit Insurance Corporation ("LPS").
The Bank only acts as the party referencing this product where the use of logos and/or other attributes in brochures or marketing documents is only a form of cooperation between the Bank and Manulife Indonesia so it cannot be interpreted that this product is a product of the Bank.
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