apa itu Obligasi
18 Jun 2024

7 Unique and Popular Museums in the World

Traveling can now be done with the returns from Government Bonds, such as visiting unique museums in the world. Museums are certainly familiar to your ears. These places are identical with works of art, culture, and even popular collections such as fossils and rocks.

However, it turns out that there are many museums with unique and unusual collections. Its unique collection has become a special attraction in the eyes of visitors. Are you curious? Let's take a peek at the recommendations and make them your next destinations immediately!

7 Unique and Popular Museums in the World

Museums are the favorite tourist spots for many people. This destination is quite comfortable and can provide a new experience. Well, the museums below can become an anti-mainstream trip that you can try. Let's see the full information!

·      International Spy Museum

Do you like spy movies? If so, then this museum can be an interesting choice of destination and a must-have on your vacation bucket list. The International Spy Museum is located in Washington, United States.

This museum showcases the largest collection of international espionage artifacts. The museum is open to the public and visitors can view the cool collection freely.

Here, you can see various sophisticated spy technologies up close. Not only that, the history and photos about espionage will also be explained. Besides expanding your knowledge, this museum is arousing the curiosity of visitors.

·      The Museum of Bad Art

The art museum gives high expectations to the collections of famous artists and beautiful masterpieces. However, this is different in The Museum of Bad Art. Here, you will see a collection of art that is considered a failure or has no aesthetics.

Some works also consist of parodies of popular art in the world. Although art is relative, The Museum of Bad Art will provide another perspective on a piece. In fact, this museum can also make you smile with the implied comedy.

This museum has the idea that works with low aesthetics also deserve to be considered and not ignored. The Museum of Bad Art or often called MOBA was founded in 1994 by an antique dealer named Scott Wilson.

·      Cancun Underwater Museum

Besides hotels and restaurants, there is also a unique underwater museum that you must visit. Its location underwater requires visitors to snorkel underwater. However, this is what makes it attractive.

The Cancun Underwater Museum has 500 collections of sculptures and statues with unique underwater arrangements. Located in Mexico, this museum can be a special anti-mainstream destination.

This museum was opened in 2010. Various collections of statues were made by Jason deCaires Taylor, a sculptor from England. Several other statues were made by sculpture artists from Mexico.

The museum's collection is located at a depth of 3 to 9 meters below sea level. The Cancun Underwater Museum or MUSA is also a conservation site to save coral reefs.

·      Cup Noodles Museum Osaka

The Cup Noodles Museum Osaka is located in Osaka. This museum marks the birth and innovation of Cup Noodles. Cup Noodles Museum is quite popular and has become a unique destination that is widely visited by tourists, even from abroad.

Here, you will find information about the development of instant noodles. The information presented talks about various things, especially the development of noodles in cup packaging and the evolution of packaging from year to year.

The process of making instant noodles from scratch can also be seen by visitors. There is also an instant noodle tunnel that has 800 product collections. This tunnel is proof of the amazing development of modern food culture.

Read more: Kunjungi 11 Pulau di Indonesia untuk Pengalaman Luar Biasa

The Dog Collar Museum

The Dog Collar Museum has a unique collection that has been on display since 1976. This place is located in Leeds Castle, United Kingdom. This museum is the only dog collar museum in the world.

If you are a dog lover, then this museum can be a suitable place to visit. There are 130 rare and valuable necklaces on display. The first necklace dates back to the 15th century, namely the Herder Mastiff Dog necklace from Spain.

This museum is indeed unique and provides a new atmosphere for animal lovers, especially dogs. You can visit and plan the vacation with the support of Government Bonds.

·      International Cryptozoology Museum

This museum is perfect for those of you who are interested in the existence of unique creatures that is still up for debate. Bigfoot, mermaids, to lochness monsters may not have been proven to exist. However, this place conducts studies on such creatures.

There are collections of relics, specimens, and artifacts related to mythical creatures. Examples include footprints, droppings, and even possible hair samples.

In addition, this museum also presents extinct animals such as dinosaurs and several other species. This is marked by a collection of replicas of coelacanth, an ancient fish that lived 400 million years ago. In addition, there is also a replica of the phenomenal mermaid skeleton.

·      Museum of Beauty

No need to go far, the Museum of Beauty is located in the City of Malacca, Malaysia. Here, you can see about the standards and perspectives of beauty that have developed to this day.

This museum also explains that each culture has different standards of beauty. Opened in 1996, you can visit this interesting destination on the upper floor of the former building of the Kota Historical City Council.

In this building, you can also find other unique museums such as the Kite Museum and the People's Museum.


The recommendations for unique museums above can be a choice of destinations for planning a vacation. Each museum has its own unique collection that we cannot find anywhere else. The museum above will also provide new knowledge and perceptions about everything that is displayed.

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