Reksadana Pendapatan Tetap
23 Jan 2023

How to Read Mutual Fund Fund Fact Sheets & Set the Strategy

Mutual Funds are still one of the most preferred types of investment instruments by various groups, including the type of Fixed Income Mutual Funds. However, the many types of Mutual Fund products currently available often make many people confused about which one to choose.

If you are one of them, then you don't need to worry. You can select the type of Mutual Funds through the Fund Fact Sheet that has been provided by each Mutual Fund Investment Manager.


Fixed Income Mutual Funds: Know the Definition of a Fund Fact Sheet

By definition, a Fund Fact Sheet is a written report provided by the Investment Manager to investors containing various information related to the management of all Mutual Funds, including Fixed Income Mutual Funds. Fund

Generally, Fund Fact Sheets are issued once a month and their contents provide attached information regarding the performance of Mutual Funds from the previous month. If you are confused about choosing the best Fixed Income Mutual Fund, then try to select it through the information presented in this Mutual Fund Fact Sheet.


Functions of a Fund Fact Sheet

There are several functions of the Fund Fact Sheet that you need to know about. Check the points and explanations below for brief information:

  • Increase the Credibility of Mutual Fund Products

First, the Fund Fact Sheet serves to increase the credibility of Mutual Fund products. Investment Managers are required to convey honestly about the profile of the Mutual Fund products they manage, both regarding the total product capitalization to the investment portfolio in the past month.

  • Source of Mutual Fund Information

You can also use this Fund Fact Sheet report to consider the strategy to use when investing. If you really think that it is not suitable due to many negative points, then choose another Mutual Fund product.

The information in this Fund Fact Sheet is also widely used as material for consideration when wanting to sell your Mutual Fund products.

  • Mutual Fund Product Comparison Tool

In choosing the best Fixed Income Mutual Funds, read carefully all the information presented in the Fund Fact Sheet. Comparing each Mutual Fund product through this Fund Fact Sheet is one of the most effective strategies for achieving maximum profit when investing.


Key Contents and Components in the Fund Fact Sheet

Next, let's discuss the contents and important components contained in the Fund Fact Sheet.

  • Mutual Fund Performance

In each Mutual Fund product, you can see the performance as stated by Investment Managers. Generally, Mutual Fund performance reports are provided for several periods such as one month, three months, six months, or since the opening of the year and launching.

This component will greatly assist investors in deciding their next investment choice. If the trend is shown to be positive, then investors can continue their investment, and vice versa.

  • Net Asset Value

Another component is the net asset value. What this means is the amount of net worth that is obtained through the performance of Mutual Fund products on the Mutual Fund market every day.

  • Comparison Information

Each Fund Fact Sheet generally contains comprehensive information about the performance of each type of Mutual Fund. You can see the risk profile to the history of the performance chart.

Information like this is very important to take into consideration, whether the Mutual Fund you choose is still worth holding or selling.

For example, when you read a Fund Fact Sheet report on the Mutual Fund that you own and find that its performance has increased in the last three months and then decreased during this month, then you can respond accordingly by waiting for an increase in performance or just selling it immediately in that month.

  • Investment Allocation and Portfolio

Furthermore, there are also components called investment allocation and portfolio. Both components present data related to the percentage of fund management allocated by Investment Managers to various forms of securities portfolios.

More specifically, portfolio allocation is a list of Mutual Fund placements in certain securities.

It can be said that investment allocation and portfolio are the most important components in assessing the performance of Mutual Fund Investment Managers. Basically, a decrease in the price of Mutual Fund products can also occur due to the performance of the Investment Manager who manages the fund.

  • Participation Unit

The last important component that you need to know is the inclusion unit which is the valuation of the assets you have in a Mutual Fund product. This unit usually serves information regarding the increase or decrease in the value of the Mutual Fund products that you have.


Time to Invest in Fixed Income Mutual Funds with DBS Treasures

In order to gain maximum profit, the best advice is to invest in Mutual Funds confidently with priority banking DBS Treasures. Below are the advantages offered by DBS Treasures to investors:

  • Investment Management by Professionals

All types of investment options for Mutual Funds are carefully managed by the best investment managers who partner with DBS Treasures.

  • Gain Insights to Guide Your Investment

Investors can invest confidently at the right momentum because they are supported by the best team of financial experts who provide curated insights according to their profile and aspirations.

  • Reduce Risk through Diversification

You can diversify the spread of funds into various types of investment assets to reduce the risk of loss.

  • Easier Fixed Income Mutual Fund Transactions

The process of selling, buying, switching, and SID registration is carried out via the digibank by DBS Application. This application also makes it easy for you to choose the various types of Fixed Income Mutual Funds you want.

Investing in Fixed Income Mutual Funds has become much easier and more practical, right? Let's invest in Mutual Funds with DBS Treasures right now. For complete information, visit the page