Marine | DBS ID SME Banking
- Services
- General Insurance
- Marine
Protect your cargo from ocean and inland risks
- Services
- General Insurance
- Marine
Protect your cargo from ocean and inland risks
At a Glance
We create solutions for a variety of ocean and island marine risks, underwritten by Adira, Aswata, Astra, MAG and Chubb.
Cargo Protection
Your preferred insurer will draws upon their experienced underwriters to create bespoke solutions for a wide variety of shipping needs.
Your preferred insurer Cargo product is supported by an in-house risk management team of:
- Specialist surveyors
- Loss control advisers
- Experienced claims adjusters
Areas of focus include:
- Annual, open and short-term cargo insurance for domestic and international shipments
- Complex, higher hazard, non-standard and unusual cargo risk solutions
- Marine storage insurance
- Shipment insurance products for higher volume and lower value deliveries
- Transport operators’ freight liability with cargo protection options
- Truck cargo insurance
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