Insurance product which provides insurance protection benefits for Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement, and Medical Expenses as a direct result of an Accident.
Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement.Protection against the risk of Bodily Injury causing death or permanent disability due to an accident.
Bereavement Benefit.Funeral and/or cremation benefit due to an accident.
Medical Expenses.Reimbursement of medical expenses for the treatment of bodily injuries due to accident.
Fractured Bones.Fractured bones benefit due to an accident.
Ergonomic Injury Reimbursement.Reimbursement of surgical expenses due to ergonomic injuries while carrying Occupational Duties away from the Usual Place.
The description of benefits listed on this page does not contain the full extent of Personal Accident Insurance. You are welcome to read the entire Policy Wording and Policy Schedule to find out the details of the benefits as well as the terms, conditions and the exclusions applied under this Policy.
Find the Summary of Product and Service Information here.
Mr. AD (34 years) is a customer of Bank DBS and has agreed to purchase Personal Accident Insurance products with the following information:
List of Benefits (in Rupiah)
Premium (in Rupiah)
The amount of Premium paid by Mr. AD is:
Main Benefit Premium: IDR 200,000 per month
Additional Benefit Premium: IDR 75,000 per month
On October 4, 2021, Mr. AD had a traffic accident on the roadway while driving from his residence to the office. After being treated for a week at the hospital at a cost of IDR 3,000,000, however Mr. AD's condition worsened, and he was finally declared dead. Where the funeral costs that must be paid by the beneficiary of Mr. AD are IDR 12,000,000.
For this incident, the beneficiary of Mr. AD filed a claim which was accompanied by the related documents. Furthermore, referring to the fact that Mr. AD died as a result of an accident covered under this policy and based on a claim analysis, the Insurer will pay compensation to the heirs with the following calculation:
Medical Expenses: IDR 3,000,000
Accidental Death: IDR 75,000,000
Bereavement Benefit: IDR 12,000,000
The premium paid by the Insured includes the fee of service/return services to Bank DBS Indonesia of 25% (including tax) in the framework of Personal Accident Insurance products marketing.
All fees charged to customers will refer to policy provisions including but not limited to commission costs for Bank DBS Indonesia.
The Insured is not entitled to the benefits of this policy if the risk that occurs is included in the policy exclusions, both in special exceptions and general exceptions. If the Insured provides incorrect or wrong information, then PT Chubb General Insurance Indonesia ("Chubb General") can reduce or decline the claims submitted. This obligation has been attached since Insured submits request for insurance closure up to period of coverage ends.
Personal Accident Insurance is an insurance product published by Chubb General. This product is not a savings product at Bank DBS Indonesia and therefore does not contain any obligations and is not guaranteed by Bank DBS Indonesia and is not included in the Government Insurance Program of Deposit Insurance Cooperation ("LPS").
Bank DBS Indonesia only acts as the party that distributes this product where the use of logos and/or other attributes in the brochure or marketing documents is only a form of cooperation between Bank DBS Indonesia and Chubb General so it cannot be interpreted that this product is a product of Bank DBS Indonesia.
PT Bank DBS Indonesia and PT Chubb General Insurance Indonesia are licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
Phone - 0804 1500 327 or +6221 29852888 (from outside Indonesia)
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