Visa Contactless is a latest innovation where payment can be done quickly, safe, and secure without having to dipping the card into card reader machine and without input PIN*. Payment Visa Contactless method can be done only by tapping your digibank Credit Card to devices that has contactless symbol (). You can also use other devices to do payment such as smartphone and smartwatch.
*For a maximum nominal of IDR1,000,000 per transaction, you don’t have to input PIN. For nominal above IDR1,000,000, you can still tap the card and input PIN.
Visa Contactless can be used in store or any merchant that accept contactless payment including fast food restaurant, grocery store, pharmacy, and others. If contactless payment devices is unavailable, you can still transact using a credit card using a PIN.
Visa Contactless have been adopted by many country such as Australia, Canada, England, and French. So, when you travelling, you don’t have to worry anymore to transact.
digibank Visa Contactless Credit Card can also be use for Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Payment.
Visa Contactless security is guaranteed, because it only includes 1 (one) code that protects your payment information every time you make a transaction and if you accidentally tap the card 2 (two) times, you will only be billed for 1 (one) transaction.
Even though it has been proven safe, you still must pay attention to the following things for a safe and secure transactions:
Phone - 0804 1500 327 or +6221 29852888 (from outside Indonesia)
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