29 Jun 2024

Successful Long-Term Investment Strategy

Key Points:

  • Long-term investment means long-term financial preparation
  • Various long-term investment strategies, the important point is discipline, mature finances and ready to process
  • A trusted platform is also key to successful investing, such as the digibank by DBS App which offers 120 curated investment products


Want to start your investment journey with more confidence?


Achieving long-term online investment success requires a solid and purposeful strategy. Markets are dynamic and change frequently, so you as an investor must be able to take the right approach to thrive, not just survive.


One effective way is to build a strong portfolio with investment diversification. You also need to consider risk factors, financial goals, and investment timeframe.


In-depth knowledge of investment products, market analysis and understanding of economic principles are also key. Through consistency, patience, and discipline, you can achieve long-term profitable investment returns.


Why Long-Term Investing is Important?


Long-term investments, such as stock and mutual fund investments through digital investment apps, are increasingly popular among investors. Here are some of the main reasons why long-term investing is so important:

  • Significant Capital Growth

Long-term investments provide an opportunity for capital to grow significantly. By holding your investment for a long period of time, you can utilize the power of compound interest, where the gains from the previous interest will continue to accrue, resulting in greater capital growth over time.

  • Achieving Long-term Financial Goals

Many people have long-term financial goals such as buying a house, paying for children's education, or preparing for retirement. Long-term investing helps achieve these goals by consistently setting aside funds and letting them grow. With the right investment strategy, long-term financial goals can be achieved more easily and with less risk than short-term investments.

  • Protection from Inflation

Inflation reduces the purchasing power of money over time. By investing in assets that tend to increase in value with inflation, such as stocks, you can protect your wealth from declining value due to inflation. Long-term online investments allow you to maintain and even increase your purchasing power over a long period of time.

  • Passive Income

Long-term investments can generate stable passive income. For example, by investing in stocks that pay dividends or bonds that pay coupons periodically, you can enjoy a consistent stream of income without having to actively work. This passive income is very useful for daily needs, especially during retirement.

  • Minimizing the Risk

While all investments come with risks, those risks tend to diminish over time. Long-term investments allow you to bypass short-term market fluctuations and take advantage of more stable long-term trends. With proper portfolio diversification, you can minimize risk and overcome potential short-term losses.

Long-term investment is a smart move to achieve financial stability and growth in the future. By understanding and utilizing its benefits, you can achieve your financial goals with more confidence.

Strategies for Successful Long-Term Investing, Here's How!

Long-term investing is one of the best ways to build assets and wealth and achieve financial goals in the future. However, to succeed in long-term online investing, you need the right strategy. Here are some things that can help you succeed in long-term investing.

  1. Discipline

Discipline is key in long-term investing. This means being consistent in setting aside funds to invest, following a set investment plan, and not being tempted to make impulsive changes when seeing market fluctuations. Through discipline in investing, you can ensure that your investment continues to grow according to your original plan.

  1. Patience

Long-term investing requires patience. Financial markets, especially in equity investments, can be very volatile in the short term, but tend to stabilize and grow in the long term. Through patience and not panicking during temporary market downturns, you can maximize your potential investment returns.

  1. Trust The Process

Long-term investment is a process that takes time. Don't expect instant results, instead, focus on consistent and sustainable growth. Understand that investing is an ever-evolving journey and you need to be committed to learning and adjusting your strategy as needed.

  1. Don't Worry About the Small Things

Small fluctuations in the market are normal. Don't let yourself get too worried about daily or monthly price movements. Instead of focusing on the small things, look at the big picture and how your investments can grow in the long term.

  1. Solid Financial Planning

Success in long-term investing requires solid financial planning. Set clear financial goals, determine how much you can invest regularly, and choose online investment instruments that match your risk profile and financial objectives. With good planning, you can maximize potential returns and minimize risks.

  1. Choose a Strategy and Stick to It

One of the most popular strategies in long-term investing is the Buy and Hold principle. This means you buy good investment assets and keep them for a long period, without frequently buying and selling. By holding onto your investments, you can monitor their performance and fundamentals. Market volatility, company developments, and changes in economic trends are still important considerations, but the Buy and Hold strategy is based on long-term analysis. This approach also helps avoid high transaction costs and takes advantage of long-term investment growth.

  1. Review and Adjustment

Review your financial goals, investment performance, and market conditions at least once or twice a year. This is crucial to ensure your portfolio remains aligned with your financial objectives, adapts to market changes, evaluates investment performance, maintains optimal asset allocation, takes advantage of new opportunities, adjusts to personal circumstances, and reviews investment costs. If necessary, make adjustments to ensure your investment portfolio stays on track with your long-term plans and goals. By taking a regular and proactive approach, you can maximize the potential for long-term investment gains and achieve your financial objectives more effectively.

Start Your Online Investment Journey with Confidence

Want to start your online investment journey with more confidence? With the digibank by DBS app, you can access macroeconomic forecasts from world-class experts. There are over 120 curated and categorized products available, ranging from Bonds to Mutual Funds, so you can choose the right products even when the market is volatile.

You can rely on the digibank Advisor team to guide your investment journey. You can build a solid portfolio using product recommendations that suit your risk profile and financial goals. You can also get personalized services that allow you to stay informed with the latest market trends, the best investment products, and even exclusive promotional programs to increase your investment returns.

Let's realize your future goals and start your investment journey in 1 digibank by DBS App now! Check out more product information here.