Growth Mindset Vs Fixed Mindset
29 Jun 2024

Growth Mindset Vs Fixed Mindset, What are the Effects in Investing?

Key Points:

  • Growth mindset in investing: believe in the ability to grow through effort and learning.
  • Fixed mindset in investing: believe that capabilities are fixed and unchanging.
  • With a growth mindset: more prepared for failure, flexible in adapting to market changes, and highly motivated to achieve long-term goals.

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Have you heard of the terms growth mindset and fixed mindset? They describe mindsets that affect the way you see and do things, including investing. These mindsets can have a significant impact on your investment decisions.

Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

The concepts of growth mindset and fixed mindset were introduced by Dr. Carol Dweck, professor of psychology at Stanford University. A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort, strategy, and help from others. In contrast, a fixed mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence are fixed and cannot be changed. Here's the difference in more detail!

Growth Mindset:

  • See challenges as learning opportunities.
  • Not afraid of failure, consider failure as a learning process.
  • Appreciate criticism and feedback for self-improvement.
  • See other people's success as inspiration.

Fixed Mindset

  • Fear of failure and avoid challenges.
  • Believes that abilities are fixed.
  • Sees criticism as a threat.
  • Threatened by the success of others.

The Importance of Growth Mindset in Investment

Investing requires mental resilience and the right strategy. This is the reason why you need to apply a growth mindset in investing:

  1. Resilience in the Face of Failure

See failure as learning, not the end of the world. For example, if an online investment product doesn't go as planned and experiences a drop in value, you won't give up. Instead, you will analyze what went wrong and learn not to repeat it in the future.

  1. Flexibility and Adaptability

Be ready to adapt to market changes. A growth mindset helps you stay flexible and open to new ideas and different strategies. You are not bound to one approach, but are willing to try new things and adapt to dynamic market conditions.

  1. Continuous Learning

Always seek new information and strategies to improve knowledge. Investors with a growth mindset actively improve their investment knowledge and skills. You are always looking for new information, following market developments, reading books on investing, or attending courses and seminars.

  1. Better Risk Management

Understand the importance of diversification to minimize risk. You understand that no investment is risk-free, so strive to diversify your portfolio and make wise decisions to minimize potential losses.

  1. Motivation and Perseverance

Stay focused on long-term goals despite adversity. Investors with a growth mindset have a strong drive to keep going despite difficulties. You are not easily discouraged and stay focused on your long-term investment goals.

Tips to Optimize Growth Mindset in Investment

  1. Keep Learning and Developing Yourself

Be a lifelong learner. Take courses, seminars, read books, and keep improving your investment knowledge. Don't hesitate to find a mentor or join an investor community to gain new insights.

  1. Be Open to Criticism and Feedback

Don't be afraid to receive criticism. Use criticism and feedback as a tool to improve yourself. Evaluate your investment performance regularly and find out where you can improve your strategy.

  1. Make a Clear Investment Plan

Set specific long-term and short-term investment goals. A clear plan will help you stay focused and motivated in your investment journey.

  1. Portfolio Diversification

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your investment portfolio to manage risk. Consider different types of investments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and property.

  1. Stay Flexible and Adaptive

The investment market is always changing. Be prepared to adjust your strategy according to dynamic market conditions. Don't be afraid to try new approaches if the old ones are no longer effective.

Disadvantages of Growth Mindset in Investing

However, growth mindset also has its downsides:

  1. Overconfidence

Overconfidence can lead to speculative decisions. Overconfidence can lead you to make investment decisions that are too bold or speculative, resulting in huge losses.

  1. Ignoring Market Realities

Not everything can be overcome with effort, external factors also matter. In the investment world, there are external factors such as economic conditions, government regulations, and global crises. Market realities based on external factors occur out of control, not always overcome only by hard work and learning.

  1. Slow Decision Making

A long learning process can make decisions late. A protracted learning process can make you take too long to make decisions. Meanwhile, in the fast-paced world of investing, delays can cause you to miss opportunities.

  1. Ignoring Limitations

Not everything can be overcome only with hard work, such as capital limitations. In investing, there are certain limitations that may not be overcome by hard work and learning, such as limited capital or access to exclusive information. You tend to ignore these limitations, which can lead to losses.

  1. Risk of Over-Diversification

Trying too many new things can lead to over-diversification. Trying too many new things and adapting to all sorts of investment strategies can lead to over-diversification. While diversification is a good principle in investing, too much can make portfolio management difficult and reduce focus on potential investments.

Pros of Fixed Mindset in Investing

Although often considered an obstacle, a fixed mindset has its advantages in certain situations:

  1. Focus on Specific Expertise

Having in-depth knowledge in a particular field can give you an edge. You can focus on a particular field or sector by having in-depth expertise or knowledge. This knowledge can give you a competitive advantage, as you understand the intricacies of the market and are able to make better decisions than investors with a more general approach.

  1. Consistency and Stability

Maintaining a strategy that is proven to work. A fixed mindset can encourage consistency in your investment approach. You are more likely to stick with a strategy that has been proven to work and less tempted to change your approach based on short-term market trends.

  1. Avoid Excessive Risk

More likely to choose investments that are stable and less speculative. A more conservative and cautious mindset can help you avoid investment decisions that are too speculative and high-risk. You may prefer to buy stable government bonds or blue-chip stocks instead of chasing big returns through high-risk investments like tech startups or cryptocurrencies.

  1. Efficiency in Decision Making

Make quick decisions without too much re-analysis. With a strong belief in familiar strategies and approaches, you can make decisions quickly and efficiently without too much re-analysis or hesitation. You have strict criteria for selecting investment products, saving time and energy to focus on opportunities that fit your strategy.

  1. Avoiding Unstable Trends

Be skeptical of market hype and focus on fundamentals. You avoid the trap of temporary trends that may not be sustainable. Being skeptical of market hype can allow you to focus more on solid fundamentals.

Disadvantages of Fixed Mindset in Investing

However, a fixed mindset also has disadvantages:

  1. Inability to Adapt to Change

Lack of flexibility in responding to changing market conditions. You can get stuck in the mindset that successful strategies in the past will always work in the future. This makes you less flexible in responding to changing market conditions, new technologies, or shifting economic trends.

  1. Ignoring Learning and Development

Not being open to learning new things. You tend to feel that you don't need to learn or develop new skills because you are confident in your abilities. This attitude can prevent you from accessing new information and innovations in the dynamic world of online investing.

  1. Rejecting Criticism and Feedback

Ignoring criticism that could help improve your strategy. You tend to see criticism as a threat and ignore feedback that could actually help improve your investment strategy in the future. Being defensive can lead you to repeat the same mistakes.

  1. Limitations of Portfolio Diversification

Focusing on one type of investment can be risky. You choose to focus on one particular type of investment or sector. Diversification is key to managing risk, and reliance on one area can be dangerous if the sector takes a downturn.

  1. Struggles to Handle Uncertainty

Not being comfortable with market uncertainty. The investment market is always full of uncertainties. Fixed mindset makes you depressed and uncomfortable with this uncertainty, so you tend to make decisions based on certainty rather than profit potential. This also leads to stagnation of investment growth, the potential to increase profits can be very limited.

Tips to Optimize Fixed Mindset in Investment

  1. Set a Clear Risk Limitation

Determine how much risk you are willing to take. By having a clear risk limit, you can avoid decisions that are too speculative.

  1. Conduct Periodic Evaluations

Even if you believe in a proven strategy, keep doing periodic evaluations to make sure the strategy is still relevant to current market conditions.

  1. Build Specific Knowledge

Focus on one specific field or sector to build deep expertise. This in-depth knowledge can give you an edge in making investment decisions.

  1. Maintain Consistency, but Be Flexible and Open to Innovation

While you should maintain consistency in your investment approach, be open to innovations and changes that can provide long-term benefits.

  1. Use Data and Analysis

Rely on data and analysis when making investment decisions. This will help you make more informed decisions and reduce risk.

Combine Both Mindsets for Optimal Investment

Combining and knowing when to use the right mindset in a balanced way can help you invest with confidence. With digibank by DBS App, you can access various investment products ranging from deposits, bonds, to mutual funds curated by Infovesta. You can also contact digibank Advisor who is ready to provide direction on Investment strategies that can be tailored to your goals and risk profile.  Always develop yourself and start your investment journey with digibank by. Check out digibank's selection of investment products here.