Dampak Teknologi Digital
17 Jul 2024

Digital Technologies Made Everything Easier, But How is it Impacting the Environment?

As we embrace the digital era, it's undeniable that technology has revolutionized our lives, work, and interactions. From instant communication to easy access to a wealth of information and services, it's made everything more efficient. However, it's crucial to acknowledge the environmental concerns that accompany these advancements.

Digital Technology's Carbon Footprint

All digital technology certainly requires energy in production until it is used. However, several things are considered to leave a significant carbon footprint, i.e.:

1. Data Center

Data centers are often described as the backbone of the digital economy. However, they are the most significant contributor to digital technology's increasing carbon footprint as they accommodate servers and network equipment that require large amounts of energy to operate optimally. Carbon emissions continue to increase due to the growing demand for storing and processing extensive data.

2. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing, a modern computing infrastructure, offers scalability and flexibility. It's like having a virtual data center accessible from anywhere. However, this convenience comes at a cost that doubles the energy consumption as more businesses and individuals migrate to the cloud.

3. Manufacturing and Waste

In addition, the entire digital device cycle also contributes to an increasing carbon footprint. Starting from the manufacturing process, such as extraction of raw materials, transportation, and disposal. Many new device updates also tend to make consumers change frequently and increase electronic waste.

4. Energy Consumption During Use

When using a device, of course, there will be energy consumption, which has an impact on the environment. Starting from when operating it or when adding power or charging. Even so, there has been a lot of progress in prioritizing energy efficiency!

Strategies to Reduce Impact on the Environment

Many strategies can be implemented by producers and consumers to reduce their carbon footprint. This initiative aims to balance the benefits of digital innovation with environmental sustainability.

1. Energy Efficiency in Infrastructure

This is especially true in data centers and cloud computing, which require optimization of software and hardware configurations. Implementing energy-efficient design can increase energy efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint of digital infrastructure.

2. Using Renewable Energy

Transitioning to renewable energy sources to power digital infrastructure is crucial to reducing carbon emissions. Harnessing solar, wind and other renewable resources can significantly help decarbonization and contribute to the environment as well.

3. Sustainable Manufacturing Practices

Supporting sustainable manufacturing practices means companies must reduce resource extraction and waste and implement circular economy principles. Making the best use of resources and prioritizing environmentally friendly production processes can reduce the environmental impact of digital devices throughout their lifecycle.

4. Using Things Wisely

At the consumer level, it is essential to raise awareness about the impact of digital technology and support wise use of devices. Use it as best as possible; if it breaks, don't throw it away immediately; instead, contact the service centre to repair it so you can use it again.

5. Support Companies That Prioritize the Environment

The last strategy is certainly no less important. As consumers, we certainly need to support companies that prioritize environmental conditions. Starting from setting up an environmentally friendly production process to providing a service center so that consumers can repair devices when they are damaged instead of immediately throwing them away.

You can also support companies that contribute to preserving nature while growing money by investing through the Invest Better feature on Live Better in the digibank by DBS app. Starting from IDR 100 thousand, you can begin green investing at Invest Better to support companies with sustainable technology that prioritizes reducing carbon footprints or emissions. So, you don't need to worry about leaving too much of a carbon footprint when using digital technology!

Isn't it remarkable how effortless it has become to cultivate wealth while simultaneously advancing environmental sustainability?


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