Insert your username and password digibank by DBS Application
Step 2
Choose icon ‘Lainnya’
Step 3
Then choose ‘SanggahanTransaksi’
Step 4
Select and enter the required information, such as Type of Transaction, Date of Transaction Occurring to Account/Card Number Involved.
Step 5
Click ‘Lanjut’, if all the information has been filled
Step 6
Then provide more information about what happened. For example: the location of the incident, the conditions that caused it to happen, etc. Then, click ‘Kirim'
Step 7
Your transaction disclaimer report has been received. Next, you will receive a confirmation and a report number to the email registered with digibank.
PT Bank DBS Indonesia is licensed and supervised by The Indonesian Financial Services Authority and Bank Indonesia, and an insured member of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS)