Keep your OTP code secret
OTP - stands for One Time Password, is a one-time password that functions as a security system for transactions, generally online transactions. Online transaction with a verified OTP is the sole responsibility of the customers.
For that, don't give your OTP code to anyone. Be alert if you receive a call from a caller ID that resembles DBSI Customer Centre number. DBSI Customer Centre number 0804 1500327 and 1500 327 are solely for receiving incoming calls. PT Bank DBS Indonesia never asks for customer’s personal data such as card details (card number, CVV, expiry date), OTP, PIN, or Password via email, SMS, call, or any social media.
Customer Data Update
Immediately inform your latest data to the Bank if there are changes. Bank needs accurate customer data to send OTP codes, transaction notifications, and other banking information. Data update is required to ensure that you can transact safely and comfortably.
SIM Swap
SIM Swap is a SIM card takeover by a fraudster to be able to exploit customer’s banking activities. If there is an indication of SIM Swap, immediately report it to PT Bank DBS Indonesia by calling 0804 1500 327 or +6221 29852888 (from outside Indonesia) to block bank accounts & cards to avoid misuse.
Beware of Phishing Mode
Phishing is the act of asking or persuading users to disclose confidential information by sending fake important messages, which can be in the form of emails, websites, or other electronic communications. The purpose of this phishing mode is to obtain your personal data such as usernames and passwords of your bank account, as well as other bank account information, debit and credit card related information.
Tips for Secure Transaction
Transactions can be enjoyed safely and pleasantly as long as you remain alert and proactive in protecting your personal information.
Learn how you can increase your security when transacting by following our useful tips.
Hubungi - 0804 1500 327 atau +6221 29852888 (dari luar negeri)
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