Clever Ways to Manage Travel Funds to Maximize Your "Me Time
01 Apr 2024

Clever Ways to Manage Travel Funds to Maximize Your "Me Time

Me Time is a precious time to take a break from your daily routine. However, budgeting for a vacation for Me Time can be a challenge, especially with so many other priorities in life. This often leads to guilt when it comes to using savings to plan a trip for a more fulfilling vacation experience. So how can you manage your traveling budget and enjoy your Me Time more freely?

9 Clever Ways to Manage Traveling Funds for Maximum "Me Time"

Dividing time for Me Time is key to maintaining balance in life and ensuring personal fulfillment. When choosing to travel as part of Me Time, it requires wise planning and financial management. Here are some steps that can help you plan your traveling to the fullest:

1. Determine the Purpose of Traveling

Before starting travel planning, the first step you need to do is to determine the purpose of traveling. When determining the purpose of traveling, consider your personal preferences and interests. Do you want to visit exotic destinations, enjoy natural beauty, or explore cultural heritage? By setting a clear goal, you can make a more detailed plan, from transportation, accommodation, to the list of activities you want to participate in.

In addition, specifying a specific destination allows you to calculate cost estimates more accurately, so that the travel budget can be adjusted according to the goals you want to achieve.

2. Create a Vacation Budget

After you have determined your traveling destination, the next step is to create a vacation budget. Creating a detailed vacation budget is a major step in managing traveling funds. Determine the cost allocation for transportation, accommodation, food, tourist activities, and unexpected expenses.

You should also set a maximum daily spending limit to better control your spending. By creating a clear budget, you can avoid overspending while ensuring that you have enough funds to enjoy your vacation without worrying about your finances going bad.

3. Set a Traveling Schedule

Besides budgeting, setting a traveling schedule is also important. Setting a good traveling schedule can help reduce travel costs and maximize the holiday experience. Choose a travel time that does not coincide with the holiday season if possible, because usually the price of accommodation and airline tickets is more affordable outside the holiday season.

In addition, planning your departure and return schedules well can also help in managing your travel budget. You can avoid price hikes on airline tickets or accommodation, and ensure you can enjoy your destination more comfortably.

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4. Take Various Promos

When planning your trip, take advantage of promos offered by airlines, hotels, and travel agents. These promos can help you save on travel costs. Starting from airfare discounts, more affordable hotel room prices, to tour packages with special prices. Also, check for promos from digibank Debit Cards and Credit Cards!

By taking advantage of these promos, you can allocate your available funds more efficiently, so you can enjoy a more relaxing vacation experience without having to worry about overspending.

5. Prepare a "Special Wallet" for Travel

Having a "special wallet" or separate savings for travel is a smart move in managing traveling funds. When you separate your traveling fund from your daily finances, you can keep track of how much you have spent and how much you have left.

In addition, this will also help you control your expenses while traveling and prevent you from running out of funds in the middle of your trip.

6. Manage your Cashflow

It is important to manage your cashflow during your trip. Therefore, make sure you have enough cash for your daily needs. If necessary, you can utilize credit cards or digital banking services for transactions that require cashless payments. But remember, always make sure to monitor your credit limit and consider any additional fees that may arise from using your credit card. Especially if you choose to take Me Time abroad.

7. Turn Transactions into Installments to Secure Future Plans

If it is urgent and really necessary, digibank Friends can utilize digibank Pay Later from digibank Credit Cards to help manage cash flow during the trip. However, make sure to do the calculations carefully. You also have to make sure that the installments can be paid smoothly after you return from your trip.

8. Prioritize Security in Transactions During Travel

Security in transactions during travel is very important. Therefore, always use a trusted ATM. You should also avoid credit card transactions in places that lack security. In addition, it doesn't hurt if you are more aware of potential fraud or identity theft that might occur if you are negligent in making transactions.

9. Easy Full Control in 1 Application

Use 1 digibank App as a clever way to simplify the management of your traveling funds. You can easily track your transactions, control your spending, and ensure the safety of your funds during your trip.

By following the steps above, you can manage traveling funds more cleverly and ensure your me time becomes more memorable. Moreover, now there is Tabungan Maxi which provides 20 Dompet Maxi that you can personalize the name yourself. Of course this will make it easier for you to organize your traveling budget or other savings to be tidier as needed.

Not only that, there is also a high interest and flexible savings account, where you can withdraw funds at any time without fees. Let's open a savings account at digibank by DBS now. All you need to do is prepare your e-KTP and a selfie, then register digitally and verify using face biometric. Easy, fast, no need to sign, no need to come to the branch office, no minimum balance and paperless. Want to know more details, please check the information here!