29 Jun 2024

Types of Investments and Which One Fits Your Financial Goal?

Key Points

  • Types of investments that match your financial goals: time deposits, bonds, foreign currency deposits, rupiah deposits, stocks, mutual funds
  • Investment is an asset to get passive income
  • Investment mistakes to avoid: One way to increase your income is to invest. But sometimes investors make mistakes that prevent their investments from yielding the desired results.
  • Choose a trusted online investment app: Choose an investment application that has been supervised by OJK, provides realistic returns, can be accessed for 24 hours, such as digibank by DBS which has 120 investment products.

Want to start your investment journey with more confidence?


Technology and information development affect the trend in investing. One example is the emergence of various types of online investments. The choice of investment products is also increasingly diverse so that your digibank friends can adjust to your financial condition and financial goals.


Introduction to Investment

Investment is a multifunctional financial product. In addition to saving money or assets, investing can help you to get passive income without having to work.

As well as being profitable, all investment products also have the potential to cause losses. So, in order to avoid this and get a higher potential from your investment, you need to learn about its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Investing and cuan can not only be done by professional investors. Beginner investors also have the potential to get the same benefits as long as they choose the right products and strategies.

Previously, many people postponed their desire to invest because they didn't have enough budget. Now you can invest anytime because there are many features available with limited capital through online investment applications. For example, in the digibank App, you can start investing through Periodic Mutual Funds, with only Rp100,000.

Getting to Know the Types of Investments

The current development of investment products encourages more and more people to invest their assets in various types of products. The characteristics of each product can support you to achieve your financial goals more purposefully and quickly. Some types of investments are:

  1. Deposit

Deposits are a type of investment that starts with opening a deposit account by depositing a certain amount of money.

The term of the deposit until maturity is quite diverse. You can choose a deposit with a period of 1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 months. Deposit interest is determined at the beginning when Sahabat digibank opens an account, therefore you get certainty of profit from the product.

  1. Bonds

Bonds are an investment product that can generate profits in two ways. The first is from the yield or interest that has been determined at the beginning and the second is from the difference in selling prices when investors sell them on the secondary market.

  1. Forex Deposit Investment

Forex deposits are a type of deposit in foreign currency or exchange.  This type of deposit will be profitable especially when the rupiah exchange rate rises. Friends of digibank can benefit from interest and the difference in currency exchange rates.

  1. Rupiah Deposits

Rupiah deposits are deposits that are common in banks in the form of deposits in Rupiah currency. Because in Rupiah you can immediately know the benefits that can be obtained and there is no risk of loss due to a decrease in currency exchange rates.

  1. Mutual funds

Mutual funds are a form of investment by submitting a certain amount of capital that will be managed by an investment manager in order to make a profit. The profits are later distributed to fund owners or investors based on the agreement.

Because the fund manager is an investment manager, for novice investors, investing in mutual funds does not require experience or special knowledge.

  1. Stocks

Stocks are a type of investment by way of equity participation in a business so that if the business is profitable, investors can get profit according to a predetermined percentage.

In addition, shareholders can also get other benefits in the form of dividends from the increase in share prices distributed by the company. However, investors have the potential to experience losses if the company issuing the shares suffers losses.

Things to watch out when investing

When it comes to investing, you need to consider so that the goal of getting profits and achieving financial goals can be realized soon. Some of the things you should look out for when investing are:

  1. Not having a clear goal

In investing you must have a clear goal, for what and when the investment money will be used. Thus you can choose the right time period so that when you need money, the investment can be withdrawn.

  1. Not prepared for risk

Investment is a financial product that has risks. The greater the profit potential, the greater the risk. Every investor must be prepared for these risks but still control them in order to make a profit.

  1. Want to make a quick profit

It's not wrong to invest in order to make a profit. However, investments have characteristics that can bring profits after a certain period of time. Therefore, you must be patient if you want to enjoy the profit from investment.

  1. Not being realistic

The next thing to watch out for before investing is not to be unrealistic. For example, you want to get profits immediately while almost all new investment products can bring profits after a certain period of time.

Because they feel that their investment is not growing, not a few then decide to take or sell the asset, causing huge losses.

  1. Choosing the wrong platform to invest in

digibank friends, when choosing an investment platform, you should be selective. Pay attention to the reputation of the bank or investment manager so as not to experience losses and not to choose an investment organizer with doubtful credibility.

Realize Your Financial Goal by Investing through digibank by DBS App

So, you can maximize online investment to get passive income to achieve your long-term financial goals by investing through digibank by DBS App.

The app provides a wide range of investment options to suit your needs and risk profile, and is equipped with advanced features that make it easy to manage your portfolio.

Not only is it easy to invest, you will also get macroeconomic forecast reports from an experienced team and world-class experts. The digibank by DBS app provides more than 120 investment products, from Mutual Funds to Bonds, that have been curated by Infovesta to help you navigate your future. You can access it digitally 24 hours, and get personalized service and product recommendations according to your risk profile, market conditions, and product preferences through digibank Advisor.

Let's grow your assets by investing online with digibank by DBS. Get more information about digibank products here!